My First Hiking Trip (Chembra Peak)

Hiking is One Great way to give your life a challenge and change your own outlook. It makes you to feel close to nature as well as a way to live a healthy life. I understood this when i had my first hiking experience to Chembra Peak, Kerela.

Tea Estate

Tea Estate

The peak

The peak

Towards the Peak

Towards the Peak

Heart Shaped Lake

Heart Shaped Lake

Hiking Towards Chembra Peak

Hiking Towards Chembra Peak

It’s been 5 years I had my first hiking experience of life. With a group of Nepali Friends along with a Fijian friend of mine we Planned to explore the beauty above the line of Waynand. Our destination was Chembra Peak and the heart shaped lake on its top. The peak  is 2,100 m above the sea level. My whole trip is one of the unforgettable memories of my life. So, i thought of  sharing it with you all.

How the trip started: 
The trip was planned along with Nepali friends. There were 12 people altogether and we were all set to go to Kerala and watching the majestic view of the mesmerized greenery of hills. We hired a 12 seated car and started our journey early in the morning. We reached the hotel in Kerala on time and start our hiking experience. Each of us carried a bag pack filled with all the necessities that we might need for the hike.

It was a four hour hiking route from the tea estate to the top. As we have to come back before it’s too dark so we managed the time and started our journey accordingly. We even had to look for the weather to avoid any rain.

I never had any hiking experience before, so as we started it was difficult for me to go through the hilly roads. My legs started hurting after certain point and I became a bit slow than my other friends who are an expert hiker. So, my friends helped me to go through my way to the top . Though it was difficult at the beginning, but with time I became comfortable and started enjoying the beauty of the nature.

There is an unrealistic view as we continue our hiking experience. It made me nostalgic and think about the world,  it’s beauty and god’s creation. As we pass through, different kinds of hills, trees, insects and waterfalls made me feel so close to nature. As we got tired on the way, the chilled water of the small waterfalls gave us a peace of mind.

The main Highlight: 

The highlight of the hike was when we got near the most awaited heart shaped lake which situated almost the top. We finished our snaking by the side of the lake and took rest for a while and started our journey to the top. The most unforgettable memory was when we reached to the top and saw the nature from there. It is an unrealistic feeling of achievement where we were above the world and far away from the mechanistic world. It made me feel so real and so pure by heart.

Why to Hike? 

There are people who thinks, why to hike when you can even drive to the top of hills and mountains. Yes, that’s what I always used to think, but after hiking I totally understood why people choose to hike when they can use roads and vehicle and stay in a resort along with enjoying nature from there. It’s all about the real feel. The feeling is to accomplish a challenge, feeling stronger from inside. It’s about watching the nature from very close. it’s about escape from all the advancement of the city life and it’s about feel relaxed and peace in heart.




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