Shopping In Bangkok

We all know, Bangkok is called shoppers paradise. But until you have been there you can’t even imagine what this city has to offer you. Especially it is known for its high quality non branded products. From a Zara cloth to an M & K bag everything you can get with the cheapest price and I can assure you won’t regret the price you are paying for the product you get. And most importantly, you don’t have to go to a big shopping mall to get it as it can be found in your nearest street market. Compared to the girls, shopping option for boys is much less. To mention, most of the clothing style in Bangkok is western, so you can’t find any Indian clothing if you are expecting any.

There are early morning market and night market which offers you goods with more affordable price. Moreover, Chatuchak weekend market is another must go for shopping, where you can buy things in a much cheaper price. Let’s see in below where to do your shopping in Bangkok with an approximate pricing and some shopping tips –

Best Shopping Destinations:

Shopping Malls:

From high end goods to a fake one, everything you can get in different shopping malls in Bangkok. So, you never have to worry about price. Whatever budget you have, there is always your kind of shopping available here.

Platinum Fashion Mall:

I personally like ‘Platinum fashion mall’ for shopping. There are two sections of this mall, in one section you can find products of renowned Thai brands and on the other section offers you product with a much more reasonable price. Moreover the mall will offer you a wholesale price for a product with a maximum buy. But if you are looking for a changing room to try on your cloth, than there is none available over here. There is also a food court at the top floor of the mall which will come up with the variety of Thai cuisine.

Siam Center and Siam Paragon:

These two malls are in the city center and just next to each other.

Reportedly, Siam Paragon is one of the biggest shopping mall in Asia. Both the malls are situated just next to the BTS Station which makes it more accessible to the people. It’s a place for international high end brands like; Dior, H&M, Zara etc. Considerably, shopping is much more expensive here. It’s an ultimate shopping destination for the brand lovers.

Siam Center is another shopping destination to buy your branded cloths and accessories. But you can find here a good range of both International and Thai brands. You can find renowned Thai bran ‘Forever 21’ and international brands like Nike, Levis, Havianas and many more desired brands.

MBK Center:

If you are planning to buy some electronic products and gadgets from Bangkok than MBK is your destination. We all know, Thailand is famous for its good quality electronic products with a much affordable price and if you are in the city than don’t forget to stop by MBK Center. Furthermore, You can even get dupe of branded cosmetics, perfume in this mall for a good price.

Pratunam Market:

One of the most popular and inexpensive shopping place in Bangkok is Pratunam market. It opens early in the morning with a wide variety of wholesale shopping option.This is the cheapest place to shop in Bangkok. A simple t-shirt to crop top you can get there in 100THB and you can even reduce it upon bargaining.

Street market:

In Bangkok street market culture is very popular. Why not to be, you can get inexpensive high quality product in these street shops. In the city you can find street market almost everywhere. The best street market area is around Pratunum area where there is plenty of shopping option with a good price.

Night Market:

When all the shopping mall closes the night market opens in Bangkok. In Bangkok most of the shopping mall closes by 8p.m. and that is the time for different venture to open their street night market in front of the mall. Most of the night market you can find in the city center near MBK Center, Platinum Fashion mall and Central World mall area. You can just walk around grabbing a juice and shop at the same time here.

Weekend Market:

Chatuchak Weekend Market is the most popular shopping destination during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday). This market opens only during the weekend; you better not pay a visit during the weekdays. It’s a huge shopping place with around 8000 shops with wholesale prices. You cannot finish visiting the market in a day, so it’s better you carry a map of the market and stop by the section you want to visit. From grocery to clothing, accessories, furniture, home decoration, food, cosmetics etc. available in this open market. There is place for food and juice inside the market area. So, don’t worry if it’s taking long.



If you are planning to do Shopping in Bangkok than I am sure you must want to know how much budget will be enough for shopping. Actually it depends on people and their choice of shopping. Here I am providing a rough Idea on the non-branded goods in the shops and shopping malls in Bangkok-


In the shopping malls like MBK and platinum Fashion mall you can buy a top, skirt or dress from 150THB to 500THB. There is wholesale price where if 1 piece of dress is 250THB, you can buy 3 for 600BTH. Comparatively Pratunum Market and Chatuchak Weekend Market are cheaper. You can get a top only on 100THB and a dress on 150 to 200THB and you can make it even lesser upon bargaining.
Bags- Bags are quite expensive compared to clothing but you can get fake branded bags in a quite cheaper price. A good handbag will cost you from 600THB to onwards. A purse you can buy in 200THB onwards. But you can buy a nice quality latest trolley bag only on 3000THB onwards.


I personally prefer Chatuchak Weekend market for shoe and sportswear shopping. You can buy regular shoe only on150THB and there is plenty of collection. But if you want to buy much better quality one that Platinum fashion mall is a good option. For a gents nice formal shoe it will cost you 1000THB onwards there.


If you want to buy fashionable jewelry than Platinum Fashion mall is a must go where you can get Necklace on only 100THB and only 50THB for a pair of earing. For unique jewelry Chatuchak Market is a great place to buy though the price is quite high. It will be at least 500THB for a simple jewelry but it’s unique in design.

Shopping Tips:

  1. In Bangkok Maximum malls are in the city center and walking distance from the BTS station. So while planning to come to Bangkok you can check Google maps and identify the shopping destination and distance.
  2. it’s always great to carry a light big bag with you while shopping because at the end of the day you will be full with small shopping bags to carry with you.
  3. As you have to walk in the streets and malls, carry water bottle always with you.
  4. For a tourist there are money exchange shops available anywhere you go, buy you better carry change for a comfortable buy.
  5. If you want to get cloth in a much cheaper price, there is always a option of bargaining, especially in the street shops.
  6. Shopping Places are quite crowd on weekends, so it’s better if you could make it on weekdays. If not, than try to go on weekend early hours, it will be less crowded and easy to shop.

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